奴隶女猎人 The Slave Huntress[wmv/519M]

【影片名称】: 奴隶女猎人Slave Huntress,Virgin Hunter
【影片格式】: wmv
【档桉大小】: 519M
【有 无 码】:无
【主演】:Deny Moor, Lucie Haluzik, Lucie Oborna, John Comer
【导演】:Lloyd A. Simandl
Tracked down and traded, what does the future hold for the beautiful women who are the prey of The Slave Huntress?
Lloyd Simandl is one of those rare throwbacks to the 70s era of exploitation filmmaking currently specializing in WIP- "Women in Prison" or "Women in Peril"- movies.
At a time when most directors have been running scared from their own shadows and hiding behind the skirts of political correctness, he has chosen a politically incorrect genre niche and run with it.
More than that he's managed to work that niche well, and often, without burning out on the subject or running that proverbial well dry.




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